All things glorious

21 Sep

I was watching a talk that Mark Driscoll was giving on the topic of ‘glory’ today while waiting for the train.

What was really interesting (not that the whole talk wasn’t, but just this first bit to get you enticed :P) was this: Mark Driscoll says that God is all-together glorious, and as his image bearers, we have an ‘insatiable appetite’ for that which is glorious.  We are compelled to, drawn to, captured by things that are glorious…and ultimately to the glorious Creator who created us to be drawn to Himself.  This explains why we love watching the sunset, the sunrise, the moment when the bride is ‘unveiled’ (or revealed)…they are glorious moments that tweak at our heart strings.  And they are glorious moments that point to the glorious eternity that the Glorious One will reveal to those who love Him.

(You can also view the talk–isn’t it amazing that we have these things called video podcasts?–at:

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